Our Blogs

How to adjust your baby’s sleep when the clocks...
When the clocks go forward on Sunday 24 September at 2am, let’s make sure your extra hour in bed isn’t merely a dream… Typically, when the seasons change, your little one is likely...
How to adjust your baby’s sleep when the clocks...
When the clocks go forward on Sunday 24 September at 2am, let’s make sure your extra hour in bed isn’t merely a dream… Typically, when the seasons change, your little one is likely...

Superfine Merino Reduces Eczema!
Here at Merino Kids, we like to be different! How? We hear you ask - we use the latest research when designing our products to make sure that not only do...
Superfine Merino Reduces Eczema!
Here at Merino Kids, we like to be different! How? We hear you ask - we use the latest research when designing our products to make sure that not only do...

How do I transition my baby from Cot to Bed
THE FIRST STEP Most children will want to move to their own bed at some stage, but you may need to bring up the subject by visiting friends and talking...
How do I transition my baby from Cot to Bed
THE FIRST STEP Most children will want to move to their own bed at some stage, but you may need to bring up the subject by visiting friends and talking...

Why use Merino over Cotton or Synthetics
Modern science still cannot duplicate the amazing natural properties of superfine merino wool fibre. Merino fibre is one-tenth the thickness of a human hair and this extraordinary fineness combined with...
Why use Merino over Cotton or Synthetics
Modern science still cannot duplicate the amazing natural properties of superfine merino wool fibre. Merino fibre is one-tenth the thickness of a human hair and this extraordinary fineness combined with...

Why Merino Wool is Perfect all Year Round
Are you under the impression that merino wool is only suited for the winter months? Let us debunk that myth and introduce you to the versatility of our Merino Kids products. Our...
Why Merino Wool is Perfect all Year Round
Are you under the impression that merino wool is only suited for the winter months? Let us debunk that myth and introduce you to the versatility of our Merino Kids products. Our...

What is the difference between sleeping bag wei...
There’s no better feeling than watching our little sleepers wrapped up and soundly snoozing. For a while now, sleeping bags have become the answer for many parents looking for the...
What is the difference between sleeping bag wei...
There’s no better feeling than watching our little sleepers wrapped up and soundly snoozing. For a while now, sleeping bags have become the answer for many parents looking for the...